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KitchenJi Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil 500ml

by Waycool
Rs. 253.00

KITCHENJI GROUNDNUT OIL: KitchenJi’s cold-pressed groundnut oil is highly nutritious and has innumerable health benefits. KitchenJiI's process of cold-pressing retains all the nutrients and makes it an ideal ingredient in every home. KitchenJi’s groundnut oil helps in boosting memory and delays the signs of ageing. Regular use of KitchenJi’s groundnut oil lowers the risk of heart disease and cholesterol. ?COLD PRESSED OILS: Cold pressed oils are famously known for their numerous health benefits. Cold pressing is the method of oil extraction from seeds without using heat in order to retain their rich nutritional quality. They are known to be unprocessed, cholesterol-free, high in Vitamin E, retaining antioxidants, among a host of other benefits. ?GROUNDNUT OIL BENEFITS: Groundnut oil contains plenty of fatty acids and absolutely no cholesterol, therefore controlling obesity and reducing dietary cholesterol in our daily consumption. ?ADDITIONAL BENEFITS: No preservatives/chemicals: KitchenJi’s groundnut oil contains no harmful preservatives or chemicals, thus maintaining it’s natural quality and health benefits. KitchenJi’s method of extracting groundnut oil using the cold-pressed method ensures no temperature rise while crushing, ensuring that the oil retains its rich nutrients.

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