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Soapnut Detergent - Anti Bacterial - Concentrate

Rs. 285.00
Natural Bio Enzyme based Anti-Bacterial All-Purpose Cleaner (350 ml)Ingredients:Bio Enzyme, Soapnut and Pure essential oils.100% Natural, bio-degradable and environmentally safe. Lab-tested with disinfectant efficacy of 99.99%.Removes dirt and oil. Lathers less and uses less water to wash off.
Usage: Shake well and Dilute before Use.Use 50-100 ml per load of 5 kg. This water can be fed to plants directly.For use as Odour removal and disinfecting rinse for reusable cloth pads, baby pads, soiled clothes, dilute 1:10 and soak for 15 mins before washing.Use for car and glass cleaning by diluting 1:10 with water.Keep away from sunlight and replace cap tightly after use. Best before 2 years from date of manufacture.
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