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Grow fit Slow Carb Rolled Oat Breakfast l Flavours- Chocolate 300g

by GrowFit
Sold out
Rs. 450.00

Healthy, filling breakfasts that don’t need forever to prepare are so hard to find. The quick and easy options are loaded with unhealthy sugars, and the healthy ones take hours of prep work. Is there no solution that addresses both needs? Our Slow Carb Rolled Oat Breakfast is here to save the day! Packed with rolled oats, almond meal, and chia seeds. Some of the health benefits include: Rich in lignin and beta glucan, which are good sources of dietary fibre and antioxidants, Slow carb preparation releases sustained energy over hours, Rich in folate and potassium, High protein, Gluten free and suitable for those suffering from diabetes, PCOS or thyroid disorders.

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