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Nature's Park Herbal Infusions Combo (Mulethi,Ajwain,Turmeric,Cinnamon, Tulsi (5x5 Pyramid Infusion Bags))

Rs. 1,499.00

Mulethi - This infusion is made of power compounds of licorice, tasting perceptibly sweet that shall leave a trail of warmth and tenderness on their way down your throat. Turmeric - Helps to heal wounds quickly, helps improves skin health and relieves menstrual difficulties.Tulsi-It helps in relieving problems related to bronchitis, asthma, cold, flu, sinusitis, sore throat, etc. It is also helpful in treating headaches, earaches, eye disorders, skin diseases and insect bites. Cinnamon -It helps soothe acne on the skin, and ease inflammation and swelling in the body. Ajwain - Bishop's weed help in fighting bacteria and fungi. They helps lower hypertension, combat peptic ulcers and relieve indigestion.

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